Friday, 25 November 2016

Love Yourself Enough to Live a Healthy Life - Reduce Risk of Diabetes Kidney Disease

Diabetes and Kidney Disease

Kidneys are most important organ for human beings. Kidneys separate the proteins and waste material.

What is Diabetic Kidney Disease and how it occurs?

High level of glucose present in blood cause damage to small blood vessels in your body. Once the blood vessels present in kidney are damaged than the kidneys will not filter the blood properly. Here the problems start kidneys don’t work and filter the blood and proteins accurately. 

Indian Diabetic Kidney Disease Statics

India with huge population also has more number of diabetic kidney disease and other diabetic related disorders people.
Approximately in India 64.5% people are affected from Kidney Disease and 41% from them are affected with Kidney Disease by Diabetes. Regulate Diabetes and lower the risk of Diabetic Kidney Disease with Natural Herbs.

Saturday, 19 November 2016

Diabetic Kidney Disease

How does diabetes affect Kidneys?
The small blood vessels in your body get injured by diabetes. When the blood vessels present in kidney get injured your kidney will not purify your blood accurately. Your body start absorbing additional salt and water than it should, this could result in weight gaining and ankle bone swelling. Your urine may have protein in it and many waste materials will build up in your blood.
Diabetes can also harm to nerves in your body which will further lead to difficulty in releasing your bladder. The strain appearing from your full bladder will back-up and damage our kidneys. If urine leftover for long-time in your bladder, you may get infected by the rapid rise of bacteria in urine that has high glucose in it.

What are the Signs of Diabetic Kidney Disease?

The Signs of Kidney Disease in Diabetics are:-
  • Frequent flow of albumin in urine.
  • High blood sugar level.
  • Ankle, Joints and leg swelling.
  • High level of Urea Nitrogen in blood.
  • Frequent Urination.
  • Weakness, Vomiting, Sickness.

What is Diabetic Kidney Disease?

Diabetic Kidney Disease is also known as Diabetic Nephropathy is a complexity that appears in some diabetic people. This condition takes place when the filters of your kidneys called glomeruli are injured. Because of this your kidneys start releasing additional amount of protein from blood into urine. Albumin is the central protein that flows out from the damaged kidneys. In healthy and normal kidneys very less amount of albumin is found in the urine. Increased amount of albumin in the urine is the symptom that the kidneys are damaged by diabetes.
Diabetic Kidney Disease is divided into two major categories depending on the loss of protein (albumin) from the damaged kidneys.

  1.  Microalbuminuria:- This is condition in which the amount of albumin that flows into the urine between 30 to 300 mg per day. Microalbuminuria is also called as initial stage of nephropathy.
  2. Proteinuria:- is condition in which the amount of albumin that flows into the urine is more than 300 mg per day. Proteinuria is also called as obvious stage of nephropathy.

How Diabetic Kidney Disease Develops?

High glucose in blood or high blood sugar level that is found in diabetic people may cause to increase the level of chemicals in the kidney. These chemicals lead to make your kidney filters more leaky this the reason for frequent urination found in diabetic people. The increased blood glucose level may cause few proteins in glomeruli to connect together, these cross-connected proteins may give rise to regional injuring process. This injuring process in the glomeruli is called glomerulosclerosis. Mostly it takes certain years to develop glomerulosclerosis and it happens only to some of the diabetic peoples.

Disorders of Diabetic Kidney Disease

Diabetic kidney disease directly affects vision or change the basic integrity of the eyes. Occurrence of simultaneous eye problem while suffering from kidney disease is generally fortuitous. Other disorders that may cause because of overflow of proteins in kidney filters are:-
  • Heart Disease
  • Dehydration
  •  Liver Problem
  • Severe Infections & Burns
  • Allergic Reactions   
How Natural herbs care for diabetic kidney disease?   

We the human beings are gifted by nature’s powerful herbs and supplements that care for many diseases and also Diabetic kidney disease. Natural herbs aid to overcome kidney disease in very smooth and natural way. The natural herbs for diabetic kidney disease are:-
      1) Amla
      2) Tulsi
      3) Cucumber
      Regulate diabetes with Diablock herbal supplement and lower the risk of diabetes complications.

Saturday, 5 November 2016

World Diabetes Day Awareness

World Diabetes Day is a diabetes global awareness campaign held on November 14 every year. It was presented in 1991 by the International Diabetes Federation and the World Health Organization in light of the disturbing ascent of diabetes around the globe. World Diabetes Day encouraging another subject picked by the International Diabetes Federation every year to address issues confronting the worldwide diabetes group. While the battles last the entire year, the day itself denote the birthday of Frederick Banting who, alongside Charles Best and John James Rickard Macleod, initially considered the thought which prompted to the revelation of insulin in 1922.

Every year, World Diabetes Day is focused on a topic identified with diabetes. Included; diabetes and human rights, diabetes and way of life, diabetes and obesity, diabetes in youngsters and teenagers. Individuals with diabetes get the opportunity to take a vacation day work or school on this day and discussing Diabetes. 

India has more diabetics in the world according to International Diabetes Federation (IDF). The current estimation of diabetics in the country is 62million which is an increase of over 10 million as compared to 2011. In 2011 the people suffering from diabetics are 50.8million. As stated by International Diabetes Federation Atlas 2015, an estimated 69.2 million Indians are diabetic. If the endemic proportions go like this than by the year 2030, 100 million people will suffer from diabetes in India.

The ICMR-INDIAB study demonstrated that the weighted predominance of diabetes in Tamil Nadu was 10.4%, Maharashtra, 8.4%, Jharkhand, 5.3% and Chandigarh, 13.6% and those general 62.4 million individuals in India had diabetes in 2011. This demonstrates the extent of the efforts expected to achieve diabetes attention to individuals with diabetes in India.

Diabetes Prevention

Weight Management: Over weighted body fat, if specifically build up around the abdomen then your body start opposing to the hormone insulin. This risk can lead to type 
2 diabetes.

Regular Exercise: Balance your physical activities daily or on particular week days which helps in managing weight, improves your blood pressure, cholesterol lowers your blood sugar level.

Balanced Diet: Avoid high fat & carbs containing food items and make a habit to eat more green vegetables and fruits.

Avoid Processed Foods: Especially luxury dishes contain more fats carbs and salt. Better have salad with fresh vegetables by yourself.

Avoid high consumption of Alcohol: Over consumption of alcohol will lead to weight gain and also increases your blood pressure.

Leave Smoking: Smokers have a high risk of diabetes compared to non-smokers.
Manage your blood pressure: Balance your blood pressure by doing exercise, walking and dieting.

Lower the Risk of cardiovascular disease: Cardiovascular disease and diabetes have more risk.

Maintain regular Check-up: Go for regular check-up to be in touch about your body risk factors.

Cure Diabetes Naturally with Diablock.